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My 1996 Roadtrek 170 Popular: a new (old) way to sojourn

I bought a camper van!

White camper van - in a driveway - Roadtrek 170 Popular
"The motor home that drives like a van!"

I spent most of 2023 car camping across America in my Subaru Outback named Lakester. As those of you who followed along on my adult gap year know, the more I traveled, the more I wanted to keep traveling. I could travel for a lifetime and still not make to all the places on my wish list.

While Lakester was a reliable and trustworthy vehicle, there were definitely times that it felt...cozy. I often wished for more interior space to sit up, move around, change clothes, cook, or stay out of inclement weather.

I also discovered my temperature limits: I had trouble sleeping if the outside temperature was less than 30ºF or more than 80ºF. I spent some very cold nights in the mountains wishing I had a heater...

Photo from interior of a Subaru Outback taken out the back window, which is frosted from cold.
Frost build-up in April Arizona altitude

...and some very hot nights wishing I had a fan, vent or air conditioning.

Photo from interior of a Subaru Outback taken out the back window at a smoky, orange sunset
Hot, July UP night w/ Canadian forest fire sunset

I also have a travel companion now; a golden retriever named Buttercup. For our mutual comfort and sanitation, a larger vehicle was needed.

A golden retriever named Buttercup, sitting in a puddle looking wet and muddy
I like big puddles and I cannot lie.

For these reasons and more, I'd been casually researching my next vehicle. I briefly considered converting a minivan, since they fit in a garage, have better mileage, and can blend in for stealth car camping. After test driving a couple of used Ford Transits, I nearly bought one and converted it. The only thing holding me back? A complete lack of carpentry, plumbing, mechanical and electrical skills.

Then fate took over. I was scrolling through an online RV sales forum when I came across a listing for a Class B camper van - 38 minutes after it was posted. A used Roadtrek that looked brand new - not a lick of rust, new wheels, only 103,000 miles, and the seller was just miles from my house.

White camper van - Roadtrek 170 Popular. View from side, partked in front of a Wisconsin barn
Anyone else find this dreamy?

I could hardly believe my luck. I felt that little ZING - a feeling that is hard to describe. Kind of a twitch behind my sternum that says "I think my life just changed." Have you ever had that feeling? Like a path has opened up before you, and you somehow know that if you take even one step onto that path, it will whisk you forward like the gentle pull of a flowing river? I suppose it also could have been heartburn. But I chose to take it as a sign. I sent a message immediately.

The seller is a super-friendly, ultra-Wisconsin guy; a mechanic with his own shop in nearby Milton, WI. He was selling the Roadtrek as a favor to his 85-year-old friend from California, who bought it new in 1996. The Roadtrek had been stored indoors and primarily used to go on trips to ski resorts, then put right back in storage. The seller had flown to California, drove it back to Wisconsin, checked everything out to make sure it was mechanically sound, fully winterized it, and then listed it for sale.

Everything about this vehicle is perfect for my style of sojourning. I did more research and soul-searching, but ultimately I decided to trust the ZING. I made him an offer, he accepted, and now I own a camper van!

Jenny Rule selfie, taken from below, in the interior of a Roadtrek 170 Popular van, with signature tri-windows of her new Roadtrek in the background.

A few more details about my 1996 Dodge Roadtrek 170 Popular:

*Dodge chassis with 5.2L V8 gas engine

*Swanky teal shag carpeting and upholstery

*Original wood cabinets, cushions and curtains

*Refrigerator, furnace, air conditioner, water heater, roof vent w/ fan

*Kitchen w/ sink & faucet

*Bathroom w/ toilet, sink & faucet, 2 vents

*Indoor & outdoor shower

*Rear dining area that converts to sleeping area with stowable table

*360º rotating captains chairs (driver and passenger seats)

Check it out!

Look - she needs work. She needs some detailing, gentle care, beautification, and careful handling - like any other middle-aged work of art. But for the next couple of years, if she can just keep on chugging, stay swanky, keep her chassis from falling apart, and take me just a little further down the road, we're gonna chalk this up as a win.

Sojourn on!


For the Roadtrek-curious, (or folks who dig saxophone soundtracks,) check out this 30 minute consumer video from 1997 from the company that converted these vans into motor homes: Home and Park Motor Homes (now Roadtrek, Inc) in Ontario, Canada. (Canada, eh? Maybe I'll pay them a visit.)


Feb 25

Love it!


Feb 24

Trust that zing! Sweet ride my friend!💕


Jen Crone
Feb 23

Sweet wheels!


Ruth Olsen
Feb 22

Adventure on!!!


Feb 19

WooHoo! Can't wait to hear all about the next adventures!


“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller

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